Friday, July 30, 2010

Gotham City Buzz: " Dirty Money for Cheesecake"

Today mark the 60th Birthday for the famous Junior Cheesecake Restaraunt Brookyn, New York. Stop in and  grab slice of cheese cake for just 60cent. Betta hurry, you know Diddy probaby doing cartwheels and making sure everyone at Bad Boy Inc. is "diddy bopping" across the Brookyn Bridge before the light of dawn

My Welcoming !!!

Hey Guys

It's your girl Yasmine Rhain..... Let me start by saying, I'm really excited about this forum..not that anyone cares what "lil' ol' thinks" but I think it's amazing how far technology has come and I just estastic by the fact that even if no one is reading this blog, I have made a small imprint in the global village otherwised knowned as the WORLD WIDE WEB.- Thank You!

Now lets get down to business...Shall we!